All events must be canceled at least 24-hours in advance of their scheduled time to receive a full refund.
If you made a same-day booking, you have 2-hours from the time the booking was created to cancel the event to receive a refund.
Should the event be canceled on the same day, you may choose to either receive a partial refund of 50% of the amount paid or reschedule the event for a non-peak day and time.
All events may be rescheduled before their start time. If done more than 24-hours in advance, the booking can be rescheduled for any time, within 24-hours the booking may be rescheduled for a non-peak time. Our peak days and hours are Friday 4:45 – 10:15 and Saturday 3:30 – 10:15.
If an event is same-day rescheduled, it is no longer eligible for a refund.